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Best Memorial Day Gift Ideas 2020

Memorial Day is celebrated in the USA to remembering, honoring and mourning the military personnel that had died while serving in the USA armed forces. Memorial Day celebrates last Monday in May. For this year it's coming by 25th May 2020. People will place an American flag on each grave in national cemeteries by every year on a memorial day. It's a time to generate patriotism in each and everyone, nowadays kids are very close and favorite to movies & sports. Compare to the old generation they are little way from the military. But, we can't say our kids don't have patriotism, they have a lot. But, we have to tune them in the right way. That's why we offering the right gifting ideas for memorial day. Hope this one will help you a lot.

1. National Flag:

We can't compare anything with a national flag, it's like our life. You can gift our national flag in any format. In the market, you can find a lot of national flags in different formats. Like normal national flag to place in national cemeteries. National Flag pin, National Flag in Metal, National Flag in Woon, National Flag Necklace, National Flag Arts, National Flag Canvas Painting, Etc. You can find it on amazon.com, etsy.com, etc. 

Pricing: 50 - 100 USD

National Flag for memorial day

2. Printed Cards:

Printed Cards are a very hot sale element for memorial day. You can find "honor our armed forces" like similar abstract printed cards in the market. Printed cards fit to pin your shirt, or little large size printed cards or printed stickers with awesome abstract. You can share these awesome printed cards to your friends and neighbors. You can find the awesome printed cards for memorial day in amazon.com, etsy.com, and etc.

Pricing: Below 5 USD

honor our armed forces cards

3. Printed T-Shirts:

Printed T-Shirts are the common ones, which is always hot in the market. For memorial day you can print national flags and a lot of famous abstracts in a t-shirt. You can print a family t-shirt with some patriotism abstract. You can offer this to your family & neighbors. You can find awesomely printed t-shirts or custom printed t-shirts in amazon.com & etsy.com.

Pricing: Below 50 USD

Printed T-Shirts for memorial day

4. Custom Necklace:

A Custom necklace is an awesome gift idea for memorial day. In your family anyone serving in the military? or you have any favorite military personnel? Just print with your family military personnel photo at one end and national flag at another end. it's an awesome concept, I am sure to whom you offering the gift they will love it. You can find this concept in etsy.com.

Pricing: Below 50 USD

Custom Necklace for memorial day

5. Printed Mugs:

Similar to a custom necklace, printed mugs are too hot in the market. n your family anyone serving in the military? or you have any favorite military personnel? Just print with your family military personnel photo with mugs. It will look awesome and perfectly suits for memorial day gifting. You can find the awesome printed mugs concept and custom printed mugs in etsy.com

Pricing: Below 50 USD

Printed Mugs for memorial day

 6. Custom Pillow & Custom Beddings:

Custom pillow and custom beddings are the perfect suitable gifting ideas for all occasions. For a memorial day, you can do patriotism based abstract or photo printing pillows and beddings are the perfect gift ideas. You can find similar gifting ideas in etsy.com. 

Pricing: Below 50 USD

Custom Pillow & Custom Beddings for memorial day

7. Custom Stuffed Toys:

custom stuffed toys are suitable for all occasions, same for memorial day you can do a custom stuffed toy based on your kid's patriotism based drawing or you can pick any patriotism based photo or drawing into online and convert that into custom stuffed animal. It will help to love our country and our military personnel. The example you can find a stuffed plush like a kid holding a national flag with a smile. Like you can build your own concept or ask your kids to draw something like this and convert this into real plush. You can order a custom stuffed animals with makemyplush or with budsies.com. While comparing with budsies you can better be costing with makemyplush. 

Pricing: Below 100 USD

Custom Stuffed Toys for memorial day

8. Donate funding to Military or Govt:

There is a lot of relief society available with govt, you can join together and donate funds to military or govt directly. Army Emergency Relief, Navy and Marine Corps Relief Society, or affiliates of the Air Force Assistance Funds, these are the best relief society to donate your funds and support the govt & military. 

Costing: As much you like.

Donate funding to Military or Govt

We listed the best gifting and donating items for memorial day, hope this will help you a lot. If you having your own idea let me know. You can update your own idea in the comment section.

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