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Top 10 Best Birthday Gift Items for Kids 2020

Nowadays parents researching and thinking a lot to choose the right gift item for the birthday parties. Even though nowadays choosing a gift for a boyfriend or girlfriend seems simple, but choosing the right gift item for kids seems very difficult. Because kids are asking too many questions, they are very smart and active now. Here we offing the list of top 10 birthday gifts for kids 2020. 

There is a lot of kids items available in the market, games, toys, boards, books, activities, sports, etc. Here we going to offer the common list for top 10 items which is best for kids gifting. Later we can see the top 10 items based on each category. 

1. Monthly Kids Book(magazine) Subscription:

Age Range: 0 - 10 

 USA Kids Magazines

Kids always like to listen, that's why most of the kids love to hear stories. In market there is a lot of kids book subscription available. There is a lot of kids books and magazine available in the market.,, and few other websites offering kids magazines from 10.99 USD to 100 USD. You can fine some amazing magazines for your kids. It will really surprise them, not only surprise it will help to increase their knowledge and interest in books. 

 2. A Talking Cookie Jar for Kids

Age Group: 0 - 6 Months

Best Kids Birthday Kids Items

A talking cookie jar is an amazing toy for kids to learn maths in a simple way. Each talking cookie jar will have 10 cookies, each cookie will have dots which represent the numeric number. So kids can easily learn the number 1-10 or 1-19 in a better way. For a 6 month young kids can able to store the visuals easily in their mind. So, we feel it's a best gift for kids.

3. Gaint Blocks for Kids (Activity)

Age Group: 2-8 years


Gaint blocks are really very interesting game, i personally feel this game don't have any age limit. Because it's an activity game, who are all interested they can play this game. Same time it's a better game & gift item for kids. At the age from 3 - 8 or 10 most of the kids stay in front of the TV and spending the time with movies, cartoon and games. But it's an interesting game or feels like a piece of equipment which will help your kids activity in a better way. It's a much-required gift item for each kid.

4. Ball pit for Kids

Age group: 2-10 years 

Ball Pit for Kids

Everyone knows about ball pit, but most of them see the ball pits at kids playing area, schools, malls etc. But, there is a lot of small and portable ball pit set available for kids. It's a better active playing set for kids like giant blocks. In market, ball pit are available in the market from 49.99 to 100 USD. It's also available in &

5. Indoor Bowling Set for Kids

Age Group: 3 - 10 Years


It's not that much interactive or activity game for kids. But same time bowling is the famous entertainment game for everyone. So, most of the parents want to teach their kids. So, if you want to teach you can offer indoor bowling set for kids. It's also available from 59.99 USD to 100 USD in

5. Alphabet Robot Set (Learning Set)

Age Group: 1 - 5 Years

alphabet robot learning set

Alphabet robot set is a modern alphabet interactive and learning set for kids. Most of the kids love this game and it's also an easy way to learn the alphabet quickly. You can find the alphabet robot sets from 19.99 USD to 100 USD in and

6. Custom Plush from Drawing

Age Group: 3 - 10 Years

custom plush from drawing

Custom Plush from kids drawing, in recent days it's very popular in gift items for kids. Actually it's a very interactive and most successful one to convert your kids from TV into real activity games. There are lot of vendors available in market to convert your kids drawing into real stuffed plush. It's a surprise and better loveable gift for your kids. You can order your custom plush from drawing in online. 

 7. Ice Cream Play Set for Kids

Age Group: 3 - 8 years


It's a special gift for girl kids. Because girls always love a lot with ice creams. It's a very interactive and fun game for girl kids. It's available in and from 20 USD to 100 USD. It's a wonderful and simple gift for girls. 

8. Rollercoaster Set for Kids

Age Group: 3 - 10 years.

Rollercoaster Set for Kids

It's a very active and adventure game for kids, especially boys love this one. Because boys always love adventure, they can build their own concept of the rollercoaster. It's very simple and interesting game for kids. In it's available from 24.99 USD to 100 USD. From small size of a rollercoaster to giant one.

9. Fun Board Games 

Age group: 3 - 10 years

Fun Board Games for Kids

There is a lot if fun board games available in the market. You can choose a one which your kids love a lot. I will name it few, it will help to identify in the market.

  1. Robot Turtles Game
  2. Hoot Owl Hoot!
  3. Elementos
  4. Sagrada by Floodgate Games
  5. Pandemic
  6. Spot It
  7. Splendor
  8. Jenga
  9. 7 Wonders

You can find these board games in and in, it's available from 20 USD to 100 USD.

10. Brand New NERF Gun Set for Kids

Age Group: 3 - 10 years


I have to rank NERF in the first position, but I had not done it here. Because most of people know these NERF guns. It's a very interesting and activity game for kids, especially for boys. NERF gun sets are available in their official website, and


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